The complete character list of Abgerny | Abgerny Wiki
written on 2024-11-12.
Character Gallery

Peter the Pig is a guy full of energy and loves to play many games! He can get a little sad when you have to leave... He likes having this apple on his head, fashion's so crazy!

Carl the Cat always has a temptation to scratch or bite things, but never his friends! Give him a toy or whatever and he’ll be occupied for the whole day (or even night)!

Zee the Bee loves flowers and the gentle breeze of the wind, she'll be flying around and wave a hello to everyone she sees! She's also very gentle, she wouldn't hurt a fly!

Marvin the Snake is a sneaky fella! He isn't seen much during the day but at night is when he's up and at it! He likes to just go head first with anything because of how tough he says he is.

Frank the Frog is a special one. Zee doesn't like him too much since he eats flies on occasions. He tries to be careful when it comes to things but tends to be clumsy.

Paul the Polar Bear likes the cold, but not too cold and doesn't like any too hot weather... however, he likes to wear a scarf just for some warmth, not too much!

Ethan the Elephant loves to do tricks and to dance, he loves to be in the spotlight! He's full of energy and love all the time!

Birdo is a simple blue bird, a bit introverted as he doesn't really come around to anyone much and rather just does his own thing. Hope he doesn't mind being alone most of the time...

Shaun the Snail is a music lover and carries a little speaker playing whatever tunes he has to offer, it'll usually be upbeat music.

Amy the Axolotl is a rather shy individual but has the sweetest smile that whoever sees it is full of happiness from it! She's very gentle and cautious with her surroundings, very caring too.

Vurr the Pink Fox has this cool little VR headset as a cool glowing pair of eyes. She's also a fun and energetic pal, is friends with pretty much everyone here!

Barry the Bat is usually awake during night, since he's nocturnal, you'll know when you hear him play his crystal xylophone. His sight is a bit fuzzy but has great hearing!

Wally the Wolf is a rude one... he prefers to be alone and solo with whatever he's doing. He's very stubborn compared with everyone else.

Kori the Chinchilla is the fluffiest of them all here! She loves getting pets but not for too long, she's a bit of a clean freak and prefers her fur to be as clean as possible, make sure to wash your hands before petting!

Molly the Moth is another nocturnal folk but may also be out in the day at times. She loves the sight of light, it's really special to her for some reason... whatever makes you happy!

Rainbow Flower
Rainbow Flower always has a smile on their face, will be singing a song during the day and asleep during the nights. They're the most positive of all of us!

Juan the Goat is the greatest! He's someone we all look up too and is always up with solving any problems! We call him the leader.

Benson the Bunny loves to hop all day and snack on any veggies in his freetime or breaktime. A sweet one like everyone else but not much of a talker.

Bearrito is a funny fella and always cracks jokes that make us laugh so much! He's full of humor and fun and a nice pal to play with!

I keep seeing this one at times during the day and the night, and it's only for me... no one else sees them... they're considered an 'imaginary friend' due to that... I don't know their name but for now, I'll call them William, it fits. -- Vurr